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There are many things to do to take care of the farm. There are animals, and fruits that must be taken good care of so that we will have a plentiful crops to feed the people.

An Average Day

We grow Mangos, Oranges,

and Passion fruits

There are also animals to take care of, like poultry, pigs and goats. They must be fed and watered and milked

...and food must be prepared so everyone can eat

We give the children their school lessons, so they can grow to be productive, and most importantly, we teach them from the Bible about the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray together and build our faith as God takes care of us.

These orphan children are very important to us. They are all beautiful. They deserve better buildings to live, and learn in, and to have the things they need. We hope that people will help us with donations so we can continue to supply the needs of these precious little ones.

"Good job       everyone"

We are happy to hear your advice and suggestions to enable us to stand and move positively.

YOU CAN CONTACT BY E-MAIL, or call me at

+256775868981  or  +256755437663

E-mail contact 1 

Send donations to

Ibanda Anthony

p.o box 1783

Jinja Uganda

packages must include 

tracking number

E-mail contact 2 

In order to receive funds from America, we need a friend to build an account that will transfer monetary donations to our account in Uganda. I can not set that up from here, but if ANYONE knows how to help us and is willing to get us started, please contact us as soon as possible.

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