Busoga Children's Center Organization

To strengthen the members in faith and to bring up faithfulness, God fearing children even though they are orphans.
To promote the spirit of God, co-operation and solidarity among the community people for spiritual purposes.
To promote and encourage literacy campaign as a tool for development and to see whether we can facilitate the surrounding communities to adopt good spiritual health life.
To sensitize the surrounding members about the care of orphans, helpless and needy children as any other child would be cared for.
To encourage any person /persons and to enumerate services rendered to the above mentioned children.
To enter into co-operation agreements with well-wishers to bring up these children without discrimination.
Rules and regulations
Members should always meet once in a week and move throughout the surrounding communities to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.
Members should support one another to remain faithful to the Lord to preach the gospel.
Members should have good attitude towards the organization to advance our development.
Members should respect one another as God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for the good of the organization.
​Unity and co-operations is emphasized in the organization for better service and encouragement to one another as exemplary before the community
About us
We are currently renting the property for our organization. We seek, with the blessings of God, to obtain our own place of land that we can build on, to provide shelter and education to these beautiful children.
We also hope to expand the organization by obtaining more members who can join us and support us both spiritually and financially.
We also hope to encourage widows who keeps these children and support them where necessary, in any way they can.